Getting Started

Carefully review the Minor's required and pre-approved elective courses as well as your major and graduation requirements in your School of Enrollment. (For students in the College's Arts &  Sciences, note the policy for non-college courses). 

The Real Estate Minor is structured with three required core classes (9 total hours) and two electives (6 hours total). The minor core includes COMM 2700, PLAN 3060, and COMM 4790. In your final four semesters, please select and enroll in electives that support your professional goals and academic curiosities. The list of recommended pre-approved electives can be found here. If you identify an elective course that supports your professional goals and academic curiosities related to real estate, you may request that a course be accepted towards the minor using the form below. Permission to include such electives will be granted conditional on how the course covers real estate and built environment topics, knowledge, skills, or abilities while not significantly overlapping with a required minor course. Please note that elective courses cannot double-count toward another minor or major. Naturally, if you have questions about a class, please email the minor director.

UVA Courses

Find a UVA course to submit for review as an elective in the Real Estate Minor. Previously approved or declined courses are highlighted.

Study Abroad Courses

Browse previously submitted study abroad courses approved or declined as an elective in the Real Estate Minor or submit a new study abroad course.

Your Previously Submitted Courses

Check the status of courses you submitted as an elective in the Real Estate Minor or update a course pending approval.
